DelmiaWorks moduli - Customer & Supplier B2B Portals

Direktni update informacija iz vašeg ERP-a ka poslovnim portalima

DelmiaWorks modul za konekciju vašeg ERP sistema sa B2B poslovnim portalima omogućava da automatizujete razmenu specifičnih poslovnih informacija.

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Customer & Supplier B2B Portals Modul

Customer & Supplier Portals to Allow Access Directly to ERP Information 

For Customers 

  • Add/Edit Orders, Inventory Availability, Order Status, Shipments, Invoicing, VMI Entry, Published Reports

For Suppliers  

  • Purchase Orders, Inventory, Exception List, Receiving, Invoicing, AP Info, Create ASNs, Published Reports


  • Customer & Supplier Relations

  • Supply Chain Communications

  • Timely Access to Data 24/7


  • Customer & Supplier Service Costs

Full Security Access Control

Ovo je samo jedan od modula DelmiaWorks MES i ERP rešenja za proizvodnju! 

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