Upravljanje dokumentacijom

Document management

Each product consists of its documentation. Documentation can be a 2D and 3D model, contract, technological scheme, wiring diagram, layout or layout on paper, photo, offers and commercial information, correspondence...

Each type of document requires centralized storage, management, and monitoring, otherwise there is a high risk of errors, mixed versions, and loss of documentation. Each document throughout the life cycle has a different status (in operation, approved, archived ...)

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform manages many types of documentation and enables interactive monitoring and collaboration between different disciplines within the company. The sales team needs technical information, after-sales need sales and technical information, engineering needs customer input requirements...


Organizacija i navigacija kroz projektnu dokumentaciju

Svi smo navikli da organizujemo dokumentaciju kroz foldere. Koliko puta vam se desilo da jedan isti dokument mora ili treba da se nađe na više mesta u više foldera. Da li ste ga onda jednostavno iskopirali na više mesta?

Zamislite da u CAD softveru uradite SAVE i da dokument bude automatski snimljen, bez potrebe da ga svrstate u bilo kakav folder i da postoji način da ga lako nađete kada vam je potreban. Ako želite foldere, takozvani "Bookmarkeri" su na platformi najbliža definicija foldera. Lepota je što možete deliti strukturu foldera (bookmarkera) sa drugim članovima tima ali možete imati samo vašu strukturu koja je prilagođena vama, dok drugi imaju svoje strukture! Jedan dokument, model, crtež može da se nađe u neograničenom broju foldera ili bookmarkera a njegovom izmenom se ažurira na svim mestima.


Sigurnost i definisanje pristupa vašoj dokumentaciji

Kolaborativni prostor (Collaborative Space) je lokacija ili baza podataka u okviru koje se skladištu sva potrebna dokumentacija za vašu firmu, deo firme ili čak dokumentacija vezana za jedan projekat ili jednog klijenta. Na ovaj način lako možemo definisati prava pristupa po princupu:

1. mogu samo da vidim informacije - Contributors

2. Mogu da vidim i dodajem

3. Mogu da administriram i brišem


Praćenje izmena kroz statuse i revizije dokumenata

Praćenje revizija, pregled izmena kroz stablo i grananje rešenja. Definisanje statusa dokumentacije, zaključavanje, odobravanje i lansiranje dokumentacije...


Poređenje i traženje razlika

Zamislite da imate više varijanti vašeg proizvoda, koji se kroz revizije i vreme menjao. Pogledajte kako lako možemo porediti dva različita proizvoda ili dve verzije istog!


3DEXPERIENCE managing of MS Office documents

Office application users do not have to get used to new software, but continue to work in their familiar environment, and the information is stored centrally and classified.


Document classification

Larger companies practice that the documentation is classified by type and that only certain types are approved for use by users.

Example: The "Contracts" class can only be accessed by a commercial team so that if a contract form changes, it is updated in one place and changes are automatically propagated.

Poređenje i analiza revizija

U Catia okruženju možemo uporediti dve revizije i ne samo da vidimo razlike u geometriji već interaktivno u boji i strukturi stabla.




When we need to quickly create a brand new component (a new serial number) based on an existing one without any interconnections, we duplicate. Interactively in the Catia 3DEXPERIENCE environment, we can choose which parts of the structure we duplicate and which existing ones we retain.




The serial number is new, the component retains references to existing components and standard parts but is an upgraded version of a similar product.

Approval routes

Each document can have its own path of approval and status change in the platform. It can be a very simple route or a very complicated one with multiple levels of document approval.

Odoo text and image block

User workflow

This is how the workflow looks like where the user sees all their activities, performs them, and changes the status of the document.

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