Interactive Drafting (ID1)
Bolji rad sa tabelama: kopiranje teksta iz ćelija u tabelama u okviru draftinga ili iz excella
Broken View Dimensions: Opcija za sistemsko uračunavanje razmaka između broken view linija
Novi simboli i fontovi za temeljniju podršku iso standardu
Generative Drafting (GD1)
Kada je presek definisan 3D Skicom (3DSketch) dodata je opcija da se modifikuje pogled koji kreira (Invert Profile Direction).
Dodata asocijativnost sa manuelno kreiranijm osnim linijama tako da kada se desi promena u 3D te ose isprate geometriju za koju su vezane
2D Layout for 3D Design
Back, Slice and Box 3D clippings: Objedinjena komanda u jednom dijalogu sa boljim interfejsom
Part Design
Improved Modeling & Operations
Ribbon tracks exposure: New option to enable user to save the edge fillet ribbons as permanent object
DIE FACE design
Generative Shape Design
Fill surface warning for trimmed surface: A new option enabling the user to decide whether to be notified or not of the nature of the fill.
Enhance and clarify behavior of Draft and Surfacic Curvature analysis on solids: Behavior of Draft and Surfacic Curvature analysis on solids are now aligned
Draft Multi-selector: Multi-Selector field added to Draft Analysis UI.
Create center point in Circle: New options to create a point on a Circle Center
Parallel Curve with extrapolate on support: New option to extrapolate the resultant parallel curve until the support end
Composites Brading
Making it easier for users to quickly close in on workable design
Faster solution to match increasing complexity of models being used.
Tuning of solution against real-life braiding results
Allows the user to address more complex braids.
Roughing: Radial engagement instead of ramping in open pockets, Circular interpolation, Contouring paths insertion, Offset groups management, Tool holder management
Adaptive Concentric Milling Dynamic pattern: performance improvement of the computation
Barrel cutters : Reduce machining time with high quality objective with dedicated 5 axis Rolling strategy in Zlevel + 3to5x converter
Zlevel Helix: Continuous high quality toolpath with new guiding strategy for macros and linking motions reduction
NC Macros: dodato Copy/Paste u sve machining operacije kako bi se redukovalo vreme pripreme programa
Product to Product and Product to Part (DF1): New filtering capabilities to allow the filtering of the Product or Part based on the visibility of the object
DMU Optimizer
Novosti u Catia V5-6 R2020