DelmiaWorks moduli - Expense Tracking

Praćenje troškova

DelmiaWorks ERP modul za praćenje i odobravanje troškova zaposlenih i dobavljača.

DelmiaWorks - Track & Trace

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Expense Tracking Modul

Track & Approve Contractor & Employee Expenses


  • Automation of Report Process with Import of Credit Card Statements

  • Visibility into Where Money Spent & Spending Trends 

  • Control of Expenses

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Prednosti ovog modula


  • Cost of Tracking Expenses

  • Delays in Reporting & Approval Process

  • Customer Billing Cycle

Easy to Use & Fast to Implement 

On-line Expense Approval & Rejection Process Tracking

Ovo je samo jedan od modula DelmiaWorks MES i ERP rešenja za proizvodnju! 

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Upravljanje ljudskim resursima i HR komunikacija sa zaposlenima