DelmiaWorks moduli - MS Office Interfaces

Integracija sa Microsoft Excel aplikacijom

Integracija sa standardnim MicroSoft Office rešenjima za izvoz, manipulaciju i uvoz podataka u DelmiaWorks softveru rešena je ovim modulom. 

 Odoo image and text block

MS Office Interfaces modul

All Picklists Export Directly to Excel

  • Based on Sort Criteria

SpreadSheet Server Financial Reports Created in Excel

Pre-Defined Templates Can be Created for Export

Crystal Reports Export Directly to Excel & Word

 Odoo image and text block

Integracija i jednostavno povezivanje mejlova iz Outlook aplikacije sa DelmiaWorks MES i ERP rešenjem

Link Outlook Emails Directly to Records via Drag & Drop

  • Launch from Within EnterpriseIQ

Link Excel & Word to Records

  • Print With Docs Automatically

Connect Excel Directly to System via ODBC

Data Imports Directly from Excel

Ovo je samo jedan od modula DelmiaWorks MES i ERP rešenja za proizvodnju!  

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