Accelerated Device: Beamy Mechatronics (3DEXPERIENCE R2020x)


In a journey of 45min, we will see how this solution provides relevant answers to the major concerns any High-Tech SMB company may face along their product development lifecycle.

BEAMY is a smart mobile speaker with image projection capabilities. This device has been on the market for some time.

A request for product improvement comes from the marketing department because BEAMY owners use it more “off-dock” than expected, experiencing unpleasant battery power outages after three hours of projection time. The Product Team has a plan to satisfy consumers’ expectations:

Minimize energy consumption: Change LED-based projection module for a laser LED one which is much more efficient: 30% brighter, while providing 15% energy savings

Increase battery capacity: Replace batteries for 20% larger ones, providing +25% device autonomy

Demo synopsis

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Dassault software apps used:



CATIA V5-6R2020 SP1

XCADDesignConnectors 2020x FD01

PLM Collaboration Services for CATIA V5

PLM Collaboration Services for SolidWorks

PLM Collaboration Services for Altium  Designer

ALTIUM Designer 20.0.1

Step 1: Check Issues & Traceability Links

Henry, the Product Manager, checks the list of Issues reported against the previous version of the Beamy2 using the Issue Intelligence widget: he notices there is many issues about the autonomy lately.

Thanks to full product traceability, he can quickly identify from the requirement the impacted components:

  • Battery (Mechanical): A larger battery is needed

  • Chassis (Mechanical): The frame has to be adapted for the new battery

  • BeamyPCB (Electronics): The PCB design has to be updated for power consumption optimization

  • BeamyBuild (Software): The Software Build has to be updated to take into account an Eco Mode functionality

He is now ready to initiate the change management process to solve the autonomy issue on the new version.


Step 2: Create Related Change Actions (since is based on existing product)

Henry creates a new model version of the Beamy2. Based on this context and directly from the 3DDashboard, he is able to:

  • Create change actions using the Change Action widget to ask his Team for products enhancement (battery, chassis).

  • Select assignees & reviewers for both change actions

  • Define required changes & contexts for both change actions

  • Create dependencies between the two change actions

Henry also creates two tasks to ask Will & Emma for PCB & Software enhancement.


Step 3a: Update Battery Size

Jack opens the battery from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform using the SOLIDWORKS Connector.

  • Directly within SOLIDWORKS, Jack can:

  • Work under change

  • Check in modifications

  • Freeze the design

  • etc.

Within SOLIDWORKS, Jack works under change to record the modifications applied to the battery.

After saving the design to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, he promotes the change action into the “Implementation Review” state to ask for Henry’s approval.


Step 3b: Update Chassis

Following previous change on the battery, Jack opens the Frame from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform in CATIA V5.

Directly within CATIA V5, Jack can:

  • Work under change

  • Check in modifications

  • Freeze the design

  • etc.

He works under change in CATIA V5 to record the modifications applied to the chassis.

After saving the design to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, he promotes the change action into the “Implementation Review” state to ask for Henry’s approval.


Step 4: Update PCB

Will checks the tasks assigned to him in the Collaborative Tasks widget and opens the PCB Altium project from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

He modifies the schematics by picking and placing new components from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Then, he imports the change in the Layout from the schematics & places the component footprint.

Will saves the changes applied to the PCB to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and closes the task.


Step 5a & 5b: Update Software & Create New Build Version

Emma reads and comments the Task sent by Henry using the Collaborative Tasks widget.

Emma updates the software code to take into account a new Eco Mode function. After the update, she saves the modification in GIT.

Then, Emma links the new Software Build revision with the new version in GIT, and closes the task.


Step 6: Insert New Items & Define Effectivities

Henry creates a new Eco Mode Variant and inserts it into the new revision of the Beamy2 model version using the Model Definition widget.

Then, Henry works under Evolution in the Engineering Release widget to update the Beamy2 Engineering Structure.

Finally, he defines variant effectivities for the new Engineering Items.


Step 7: Create New Product Configuration

Henry creates a new product configuration called “Pro Edition with Eco Mode” using the Model Definition widget and defines a matrix rules associated to new variant values.

Henry verifies the new product configuration by filtering the Engineering Structure in the Engineering Release widget.


Step 8: Release Product

Finally, Henry reviews & validates the two change actions to release the associated engineering items.

To put an end to the modification process, Henry promotes the latest model version of the Beamy2 into the “Release” state.


Step 9: Prototype machining

best in class toolpaths & maximum control

fixture design

tool management & online catalog integration

toolpath simulation with crash collision detection

G-code generation


Step 10: New Product design ideation

imagine & shape catia modules to be added


Alternativno enterprise organizaciji rada - agilni pristup kolaboraciji

 Quick'n'easy način rada gde je viši fokus na inovaciji a manji na administraciji

Što se tiče podataka u osnovi direktna integracija postoji u aplikacijama SolidWorks CAD i CAM, Catia CAD i CAM, MS Office dok za ostale softvere postoje konektori. za sve ostale tipove integracija je podržana na nivou fajl extenzije(ne direktno u "authoring" aplikaciji).

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Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS - UES
3DEXPERIENCE nadogradnja za direktnu SolidWorks integracija na platformu