
What Can Solfins Do for You?

Take a look at  standard issues for R&D and manufacturing companies

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Workflows are not connected

If you have separate processes that are not communicating with each other, if your technology development starts from zero with every new product and product variant - you are wasting resources for duplicating tasks and documents with no real value for your company.

If your purchasing team gets specs on paper and needs to go through long process of specifying materials - you are wasting your time.

If you have design changes in a meantime and your technology and purchasing department can not follow immediately current stage, your production will generate mistakes and you will need to engage entire chain of people to go back to the beginning. 

The result is that you will end up with tons of wasted materials, you will loose time schedule and clients, management will never be aware about real profits or loses for a period of time or a specific project.

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How does this affect your efficiency?

If you use 3D CAD only as a drawing tool, then you got yourself a very expensive pen and paper! Use 3D software in its full capacity; it will deliver your product's "digital twin" that will allow you to simulate functionality, performance, manufacturing processes, material use, marketing, sales and post-sales communication. 3D models bear a full spectrum of information about your product and its life cycle. So use it!

You wont solve a problem in the manufacturing or customer service without tremendous costs and efficiency loses. You should be looking for a solution at the very beginning - in the early stages of the development where every information goes in the process just one, with its own code and every change is trackable and promoted in all related processes and future stages.

Integrating initial information during the product design into your company MES and ERP, you will setup prerequisite for avoiding the entire spectrum of future issues instead of constantly running in to them in a full speed in the middle of the manufacturing and delivery. 

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Solfins is developing and delivering integration methodology and integrated software solutions that keep the focus on your workflow efficiency and profitability. They join information from R&D, manufacturing, procurement and sales departments, saving you time, upgrading your product quality, and keeping your clients satisfied with market success quaranteed.

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Setting Goals and Delivering Solutions

Our consulting team can deal with your entire business, or just focus on a specific process - R&D, manufacturing, ordering and delivering, etc.

Tell us how faster you have to be to overcome the competition? How many new products you want to launch in a month or a year? How high you want to setup your bar for profit? What you feel that can be achieved only with the cost reduction?

We can provide you a clear path for success:
+ investment scale > per stages, per specific process, per year..
+ software and hardware necessary to engage
+ know-how and skills your people should have to reach the goal
+ timeframes based on your company maturity, resources and products

Want to improve your workflows and productivity?

Send us your ideas and ask for initial consulting quote: