Dizajn i proizvodnja plastične ambalaže i pakovanja

Design Winning Experiences
01. новембар 2019. by
Dizajn i proizvodnja plastične ambalaže i pakovanja
Solfins doo, Mile Andesilić

Kompletno rešenje za razvoj, dizajn i proizvodnju plastične PET, PE, PP... ambalaže i pakovanja

Upravljanje Idejama

Upravljanje idejama za dizajn ambalaže i komunikacija sa kupcima

A social collaboration platform to gather ideas from every contributor, Collective Intelligence (Internal/External)

Breaking silos between cross-functional department and boost social collaboration through Dashboards and open discussions

Speed up screening idea to concepts


Primer Kreativni dizajn PP boce i zatvarača

Integrate 2D stylist work into the 3D environment easily.

Reduce the time needed to generate multiple concepts by sketching ideas in 3D as it would take to sketch them with pen and paper.

Make more free-form alternative design studies, fewer physical mock-ups


Fleksibilno planiranje dinamike radova

Team based planning

Reduce Non-Value-Added Activities – connect planning and product                development data to provide real-time deliverables status 

 Optimize Team Tasks Planning

 Simply Manage Access Rights - team collaboration with ad-hoc access rights

 In-App and mobile experience 


Parametrizacija konstrukcija ambalaže i korišćenje prethodnih iskustava na PET boci

End to End Packaging System Built on a single Platform

Design to value
Reduce material costs from 30% to 50%
Develop Digital IP
Reduce physical test thanks to the powerful combination of Design and Simulation


Optimizacija ambalaže simulacijom i testiranjem

Design and Simulation integrated

Capture and reuse company standards
Help Customer to increase Packaging Quality to Consumer and reduce Cost
Lower Cost of Shipping by Optimized Packaging Filling
Decrease cost of damaged packaging during transportation
Reduce Carbon footprint of the supply chain
Realistic simulations span the entire range of a product's lifecycle
Cut package design and material costs in half with virtual testing


Konstrukcija alata i pribora

Capitalizing best design practices, provides engineering validation capabilities for mold designer, unique Core and cavity design productivity

Development time & cost reduced 30%
Improve programming accuracy with advanced machining strategies
Ensure tool paths are collision free with machine tool simulation
Additive Manufacturing


Izdravanje ponuda i prezentacione dokumentacije direktno iz platforme

Reduce Time to Develop : Improved collaboration between internal  and external stakeholders involved in the Product & Packaging development process and decision-making.

Develop Digital IP : Single version of truth, enable product derivative, virtual design & visualization, component reuse, accelerate the pace of design review and approval

Standardize product definition with templates and formally control changes

Ensure product quality, consumer safety, and regulatory compliance: set repeatable standard review and approval processes across the global enterprise, to ensure proper regulatory and legal requirements are met


Prezentacija ambalaže u realnom radnom okruženju

Improve consumer and team feedback by allowing designer to clearly express their design intent in 3D

Easy Evaluation of designs in realistic environments and light situations in real-time

Put in light your creations by producing high quality renderings

Develop Digital IP : Single version of truth, enable product derivative, virtual design & visualization, component reuse, accelerate the pace of design review and approval

Accessible at any state of product design to take accurate design decisions

Enables immersive Experiences

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