Lean Team Player - (PLT)

Digitalna LEAN praksa kroz 3DEXPERIENCE platformu
05. март 2021. by
Lean Team Player - (PLT)
Solfins doo, Mile Andesilić

Author and manage the team’s daily meetings

3DLean enables the shop floor Team Leader to easily and efficiently organize each days’ production plan and communicate it, e.g. in standup meetings. They can create a template to design the contents and use it to consistently communicate critical KPIs to the team.

Assign tasks and issues

3DLean makes it simple for the Team Leader to assign a Team Member to a work station or a task. Users can also assemble all relevant KPIs coming from MES and display them.  Goals of the day for the team in terms of activities and performance for lean initiatives, safety, quality, cost, delivery can also be communicated.

Easily annotate, assign, and track

Team members can propose or react to ideas by creating and posting “Sticky Notes”. They can also draw sketches and create annotations. Issues or tasks can be assigned to a team or an individual and tracked to resolution.   

Author and review using large touch-screens

Using 3DLean on large touch screens on the plant floor, Production Operators can visualize performance metrics and easily interact with stakeholders and decision makers by making annotations, attaching “Sticky Notes”, and drawing sketches. 3DLean helps animate efficient production meetings and fosters web browsers compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, IE11+, Edge)

Between Production Operators, Engineering, and supervisors. Using large touch screens on the plant floor.

Karakteristične funkcije

Odoo CMS - a big picture


Odoo CMS - a big picture


  • Brzo popunjavanje formi u poređenju sa PowerPoint-om i Excel-om

  • Touch okruženje je odlično za brainstorming

  • Dokumentacija se popunjava u digitalnom okruženju, ostaje trag u sistemu

  • Bilo koja forma se može koristiti, uvodi se kao slika (JPG format)

  • Neke najpoznatije forme su već integrisane u aplikaciji

  • Forme se resetuju na „klik“

3D Lean alati omogućavaju:
Slobodno skiciranje na beloj pozadini ili preko slike u pozadini
Prikaz podataka u obliku grafikona
Vođenje sastanaka
Prikaz 3D modela
Prikaz web stranica
Prikaz PDF dokumenata itd.
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Odoo CMS - a big picture
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