Novosti u Catia V5-6 R2021

Catia V5 2021 whats new
28. септембар 2021. by
Novosti u Catia V5-6 R2021
Solfins doo, Mile Andesilić


Dodata podrška za nove drafting simbole po ASME Y14.5-2018 standardu:

  • 1 novi simbol “Dynamic Profile”

  • Modifikacija 3 simbola – “FromTo”, “Between”, “ToFrom”  kao "filled" simboli,

  • 2 new engineering symbols “FromToNotFilled”, “ToFromNotFilled” kao "non-filled" simboli

  • 2 existing engineering symbols “FreeState and CF” , “Continuous Feature” bitno za ASME standard.

  • Dva nova simbola (Slope and Break) dodata u Dress-Up simbole.

  • Promena u Standardima  “Roughness Symbol” je sada “Surface Texture"



    Novo dugme za Edit Output

    Poboljšan proces za editovanje outputa iz skice

Ova komanda utiče na sledeću geometriju:

  • 2D Line

  • 2D Circle

  • 2D Ellipse

  • 2D Point

  • 2D Spline

  • 2D Parabola

  • 2D Hyperbola

  • 2D Control Point


Rolled Wall: nova funkcija za odabir “User Defined” tačke za Unfold referencu i Mid-Planes 

Wall On Edge Definition: New capability to allow the swapping of the limits of all edges at once or of each edge one by one

Extrusion: Support of Mid-Planes

Hopper: New capability  to improve result of Loft created with Hopper


Enhanced Process Trim Line: 2nd trim operations removed, new Scrap cutters, Extrapolation

Enhanced Process Step: command has been split into 2 separate commands

Process Export: creation of PNG files, representing the 3D scene content 

Quick OP Hide/Show: New toolbar “Quick OP Hide/Show” to quickly display one OP of a method plan 

New Quick Color command: automatically colorize each process geometry by the corresponding tool color.

Enhanced UI’s: Optional additional text descriptions added to UI’s

New command: “Create Press Direction”

New Analysis type: “Insertion Depth Analysis”


Snapping Vertices from a Sub-division Surface to Another One

Locking the Base Mesh

Edge Extrusion along X Y Z directions 

Shortcuts for preview levels

Strip Drawing by Clicks

Digitized Shape Editor 

New command “Fast Alignment”  providing productivity gains in the Cloud alignment process

            Dodat Export u Autocad 2018

            Catia KOMPOZITI (Composites)

            Composites Engineering:

            1. Numerical Analysis with Thickness: Compute Analysis with ply and core shape simulated thickness

            2. Grid Enhancements: Remove Duplicate Ramp Definition, Reference Element Edition, Reference Element Center Drop-Off , Improved robustness of Angle To Spine & Between Two Curves, New algorithm to solve the following Grid Creation limitations

            3. ITA Enhancements: Performances improvements, Invert direction for Plies Group

            4. 3D Multi Splice: Tamp Curves, New strategy used for Parallel Curve computation

            5. VBA VB support of Composites part entity

            Composites Fiber Modeler 
            Edge Smoothing Distance : New parameter to control Free edges
            Producibility for Hand Layup: Enhanced Tape simulation propagation methods

            Composites Forming
            Material Properties: UI Improvements, support of new  material type, Analysis improvements, Edit Diaphragm

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