Solfins razvoj i integracija softvera za firme iz oblasti projektovanja i proizvodnje

Mi razvijamo aplikacije koje integrišu vaš razvoj i proizvodnju u vaš ERP sistem!

Pouzdana rešenja

Proizvođači softvera usavršavaju svoj proizvod prema predefinisanim procesima koji oslikavaju najbolja iskustva iz prakse. Međutim, ponekad malo prilagođavanje izlaznih podataka donosi ogromne prednosti za vaš biznis a ne remeti pouzdanost osnovnog rešenja. Tu "uskače" Solfins tim za razvoj softvera!

Logika procesa

Istina je da u softveru "sve može" ali to ne znači da "sve treba" uraditi. Ignorisanje ove osnovne logike u razvoju novih aplikacija vodi pravo u vrtlog gomilanja troškova i odlaganja rokova za isporuku. Zato Solfins razvoj softvera kreće od jasno definisane mape puta: Zašto ovo radimo? Šta time gubite a šta dobijate? Ima li smisla? OK - radimo!

Održavanje softvera

Sva isporučena "custom" Solfins softverska rešenja ulaze u isti paket sa "out-of-the-box" rešenjima proizvođača softvera. Za vas kao korisnika to praktično znači da dobijate implementaciju koja je nova celina i kao takva uključuje i godišnja održavanja licenci (npr. SolidWorks) i aplikacija, i prateće Solfins usluge tehničke podrške za korisnike!

Prilagođena rešenja za vaše procese

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Solfins KONEKTOR za integraciju CAD/PDM/PLM rešenja sa ERP i MES softverima

Svaki CAD/PDM/PLM softver predstavlja mesto u kome nastaje celokupna ili delimična specifikacija proizvoda. ERP/MES softveri su obično zaduženi za dalje planiranje i praćenje proizvodnog procesa, a između se nalazi velika praznina, koja ne propagira česte izmene koje nastaju u razvoju i tehnologiji ka proizvodnji i nabavci.

Iz tog razloga Solfins je svoje dvodecenijsko iskustvo iskoristio da razvije konektor koji prati izmene u CAD/PDM/PLM softveru, ažurira sastavnice, tehnologiju i prateću tehničku i tehnološku dokumentaciju i obezbeđuje da se informacije unose na jednom mestu a propagiraju svuda gde su potrebne. Ukratko, i proizvodnja i nabavka će uvek baratati sa aktuelnim informacijama, bez obzira na izvor nastanka.

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Ovo je originalno Solfins rešenje, osmišljeno, razvijeno, implementirano i uspešno primenjeno kod nekoliko Solfins klijenata!

SLIKA: Svetska premijera Konektora na Petom Solfins Sajmu proizvodnih tehnologija u Beogradu 2024.

Pošaljite upit za softversku aplikaciju koja vam je potrebna

Uvezaćemo vaša CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM/MES/ERP rešenja u jedinstven tok informacija


Tokom dve decenije rada, stotina CAD, CAM, PDM, PLM, ERP i MES implementacija, Solfins je razvijao posebne aplikacije koje se i danas primenjuju u više firmi. Pored ovih "standardnih" aplikacija, kod naših klijenata su hiljade linija Solfins koda koji se svakodnevno, godinama, stara da procesi u razvoju i proizvoda i proizvodnji teku bez zastoja!

You have to understand your technological and manufacturing operations.

Than you can know exactly where your project is at at any moment or know the true manufacturing cost.

Solfins developed a software solution that recognizes technology from SolidWorks 3D CAD and SolidWorks PDM.

The Solfins software add-on allows you to export valuable information from your 3D CAD models (in meters, kilograms, volume)...

With Solfins software the engineer and technology specialist can work together in a timely and synchronized way.

Additionally, the software delivers ERP integration (SAP, Microsoft Dynamics and others) and its PLM modules.

Material price is just one of the many other factors that will influence the end product price.

Standard 3D CAD information is upgraded with information about materials, manufacturing resources, technological and manufacturing assembly...

Note: This solution is available only for SolidWorks PDM users.

You have made a workflow and detailed manufacturing documentation, generated CAM codes and just want to launch production without additional preparations and mistakes, with maximum flexibility of daily tasks and decisions regarding technology, resources, tools... 

What Solfins software will do?

The command "Launch production" in the software begins a reading of the entire product structure through assemblies, sub-systems, parts, materials, technological operations, connected tools and fixtures, machines and human resources, and, based on the embedded intelligence, packs everything that is necessary for manufacturing into a chosen folder:

1. Technical and technological documentation (.pdf) for easy printing, sorting and distribution within or outside of your company

2. CAM codes for CNC machines structured, named, and organized in separate files for avoiding mistakes

3. Standards in an Excel or XML format that are ready for manual processing and analysis of data or integration with any information (ERP) system.

Additional documentation, manuals, and specifications for any step in the product's life cycle (Product Lifecycle Management – PLM)

Note: This solutions is available for S-MRP users

S-RN is a Solfins developed sub-system for managing tasks and is adjusted for individual or small-series manufacturing, but also, following ERP integration, can be applied in larger manufacturing series.

When R&D finishes its work, manufacturing continues with daily changes. It is necessary to make quick decisions and introduce changes without disrupting the development and technology.

Solfins developed a platform that brings you day-to-day flexibility to choose for each part whether you will manufacture it one moment or buy it the next and, regardless of the current decision, get an accurate specification at the end. In that same way, Solfins software allows you to change between different technological concepts and operations for the same part.

The Solfins S-RN system unpacks and manages additional product alternatives for quick export of daily tasks with all the necessary manufacturing operations embedded.

What about parts that you manufacture from time to time, and, sometimes, you just buy them from a supplier?

Many companies do not have the resources or capabilities to deal with these type of challenges. In practice, it is like the fast driving of a sports car with your eyes closed!

Allow your business to see clearly!