Proračuni i simulacije - SolidWorks Simulation (FEA)

SolidWorks obuka
24. август 2018. by
Proračuni i simulacije - SolidWorks Simulation (FEA)
Solfins doo, Miroslav Bobić

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SolidWorks Simulacija omogućava korisnicima da na svojim postojećim delovima i sklopovima definišu odnose između elemenata, postave spoljašnja opterećenja, startuju simulaciju i pogledaju izveštaje iz kojih mogu da sagledaju naponsko stanje, deformacije, relativne deformacije, distribuciju stepena sigurnosti.

Rezultati dobijeni kao rezultat post-procesa u SolidWorks simulaciji zasnivaju se na proračunima metodom konačnih elementa(MKE). Obuka je namenjena početnicima i naprednim korisnicima. Ne morate da budete ekspert u ovoj oblasti da bi ste pohađali kurs. Pozivamo vas da se prijavite kako bi ste postali ekspert.

Kontaktiraj prodaju i traži ponudu > 

plan i program obuke

1. The Analysis Process

The Analysis Process
Case Study: Stress in a Plate
Project Description
SolidWorks Simulation Options
Multiple Studies

2. Mesh Controls, Stress Concentrations and Boundary Conditions 

Mesh Control
Case Study: The L Bracket
Project Description
Case Study: Analysis of Bracket with a Fillet
Case Study: Analysis of a Welded Bracket
Understanding the Effect of Boundary Conditions

3. Assembly Analysis with Contacts

Contact Analysis
Case Study: Pliers with Global Contact
Pliers with Local Contact

4. Symmetrical and Free Self-Equilibrated Assemblies

Shrink Fit Parts
Case Study: Shrink Fit
Project Description
Analysis with Soft Springs

5. Assembly Analysis with Connectors and Mesh Refinement

Connecting Components
Mesh Control in an Assembly
Case Study: Cardan Joint
Problem Statement
Part 1: Draft Quality Coarse Mesh Analysis
Part 2: High Quality Mesh Analysis

6. Compatible/Incompatible Meshes

Compatible / Incompatible Meshing
Case Study: Rotor

7. Analysis of Thin Components

Thin Components
Case Study: Pulley
Part 1: Mesh with Solid Elements
Part 2: Refined Solid Mesh
Solid vs. Shell
Creating Shell Elements
Part 3: Shell Elements - Mid-plane Surface
Results Comparison
Case Study: Joist Hanger

8. Mixed Meshing Shells & Solids

Mixed Meshing Solids and Shells
Case Study: Pressure Vessel

9. Mixed Meshing Solids, Beams & Shells

Mixed Meshing
Case Study: Particle Separator
Beam imprint

10. Submodeling

Sub-modeling Basics
Case Study: Scaffolding
Part 1: Parent Study
Part 2: Child Study

11. Design Study

Case Study: Suspension Design
Part 1: Multiple Load Cases
Part 2: Geometry Modification

12. Thermal Stress Analysis

Thermal Stress Analysis
Case Study: Bimetallic Strip
Examining Results in Local Coordinate Systems
Saving Model in its Deformed Shape

13. Adaptive Meshing

Adaptive Meshing
Case Study: Support Bracket
h-Adaptivity Study
p-Adaptivity Study
h vs. p Elements - Summary

14. Large Displacement Analysis

Small vs. Large Displacement Analysis
Case Study: Clamp
Part 1: Small Displacement Linear Analysis
Part 2: Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis

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