Simulation of products, nature and life!

Reduce prototyping, mistakes, and predict future scenarios and outcomes.

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Why choose virtual testing?

SIMULIA offers an advanced simulation product portfolio, for multiphysics, process integration, and optimization: Abaqus FEA, fe-safe, Isight, Tosca, Simpack, Simpoe and SIMULIA SLM. In addition, SIMULIA V5 and V6 solutions enable realistic simulations for both designers and design engineers currently working in the CATIA V5 or V6 environments..

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform for the simulation user and the enterprise provides evolutionary functionality to extend the current set of expert tools.

With SIMULIA, the question is not HOW to test something, but simply - WHAT do you WANT to test? Because Simulia has tools for every environment...

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Test your products NOW!

SIMULIA offers an advanced simulation product portfolio, for multiphysics, process integration and optimization: Abaqus FEA, fe-safe, Isight, Tosca, Simpack, Simpoe, and SIMULIA SLM. 

Choose what works best!



The 3DEXPERIENCE platform for the simulation user and the enterprise provides evolutionary functionality to extend the current set of expert tools.

Fluid Dynamics Engineer

Rola na 3DEXPERIENCE platformi dostupna SolidWorks i CATIA korisnicima za moćne a jednostavne CFD simulacije fluida i temperaturnih uticaja.

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Simulia Stress Engineer (MDSX)

Stress Engineer provides design simulation-based guidance during product design to improve product performance and reduce the time and cost of design validation.
Stress Engineer is a role developed with designers in mind. It provides technical insights on product behavior during the design process so users can modify their design for a better product early in the product development process.
Stress Engineer delivers mechanical, thermal, and durability simulation capabilities for product design.
As a natural extension of the design experience, Stress Engineer enables users to study their product’s behavior and to explore the performance and durability of different design options, all from within their familiar design environment.

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SIMULIA User Roles

choose a specific package of tools for your products


SIMULIA Structural Analysis Engineer (DRDX)

  • Structural Analysis Engineer equips the Design Engineer with all the tools needed to conduct structural static, frequency, buckling, modal dynamic responses, and structural thermal simulation of product designs within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

  • It provides unique capabilities to collaborate, simulate, and impact product development processes throughout the extended enterprise using state-of-the-art Abaqus simulation technology, ensuring accuracy of the virtual testing. 

  •  Structural Analysis Engineer role delivers proven world-class Abaqus Realistic Simulation technology in a seamless and intuitive user interface within the 3DEXPERIENCE platform so all Product Engineers can easily get all the benefits of virtual testing for informed technical decisions. 

  • The integration of Structural Analysis Engineer in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform permits seamless design iteration based on simulation results. Structural Analysis Engineer includes modal dynamic response simulation capability. 

  • Vibration behavior can be simulated to avoid resonance problems by knowing natural frequencies, and other common dynamic response design problems. 

  • Structural Analysis Engineer inherits the value of the Simulation Foundation (SEI) Platform Option that provides apps and services that allow all users to access the corporate library of deployed simulation methods and benefit from a single location to find and monitor all of their simulation studies. 

  • Veliki broj opterećenja i graničnih uslova su dostupni

  • Linearni i nelinearni materijali

  • Structural Analysis Engineer (DRD) includes embedded compute licensing allowing routine execution of one concurrent simulation job on up to 4 cores. 

  • Kontakt (surface pairs, detection, general contact, initialization)

  • On Premise Role Optional Simulation Tokens (SET) provide additional licensing allowing sustained execution of more than one concurrent simulation job and/or execution on more than 4 cores.   

  • On Cloud Role Optional Compute Token Packs (SVT-OC) provide additional licensing allowing sustained execution of more than one concurrent simulation job and/or execution on more than 4 cores Optional Compute Credit Packs (CCR-OC) provide additional licensing allowing burst execution when demand exceeds routine or available sustained execution capacity Compute Credit Packs (CCR-OC) are required to provide access to needed IT services for On Cloud computation

  • Assembly functionality simulation

  • „rule-based meshing“ support

  • standard and specific materials

  • multiple workstations & CPU supported

  • post processing and reporting

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Examples of Available Simulations

Whatever you make - simulia knows what will happen!

Odoo image and text block


Analiza dugotrajnosti kroz FEA simulacije zamora materijala

FE-SAFE paket obuhvata:

  • kompletnu analizu zamora materijala bez obzira na kompleksnost uticaja opterećenja i različitih sila

  • moćnu analizu zamora materijala elastomera kakvi se koriste u amortizaciji vibracija/buke kod infrastrukturnih projekata (naročito kod šinskih koridora tramvaja, železnice, metroa)

  • Verity modul - prema patentiranom Verity Structural Stress Method-u za šavno, tačkasto, standardno zavarivanje

  • TURBOlife - termomehaničke analize zamora materijala sa jedinstvenom sposobnošću da identifikuje i proračuna devijacija usled zamora materijala

Odoo image and text block

SIMULIA Tosca Structure

Topološka optimizacija konstrukcija uz Abaqus simulacije

Jednostavno definišite parametre i zadatke za Tosca Structure softverski alat koji će interaktivno raditi sa 3D Abaqus/Standardnim modelom.

Projektant pokreće, izvršava, analizira i optimizuje zadatke direktno u poznatom Abaqus/CAE softverskom okruženju.

Konzistentnost provera setapa za optimizaciju prati se odvija automatski.

Jedno integrisano korisničko okruženje sa istim interfejsom za optimizacije i FEA simulacije za loop kontinuiranog naizmeničnog rada u Tosca Structure i Abaqus alatima.

Odoo image and text block

SIMULIA CST Studio Suite

Testiranje elektronike: PCB, baterija i antena

Elektronika danas nije samo deo "svojih" tradicionalnih proizvoda, već uzima sve veći procenat vrednosti i u automobilskoj industriji, beloj tehnici, kućnoj automatici.. Za sve ove proizvodne tri ključne komponente su same PCB ploče, antene i baterije - te SIMULIA ima odgovarajuća rešenja za sve ove elemente proizvoda.

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Simulate the Perfect Package

Virtual Testing enables designers to simulate how a new product design will behave at every stage of its lifecycle. This results in lowered costs, quicker time-to-market, and improved sustainability. The optimized design also drives consumers to select their products.

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Test FMCG products

Simulia provides complete set of tools for various industry applications like this example for testing shoes soles... 

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SIMULIA Power Flow

KGH simulacije velikih objekata

Čak i kada je konstrukcija rađena u drugim rešenjima a ne u CATIA softveru, malo je opcija kada treba uraditi precizne CFD simulacije takvih prostora.

SIMULIA i ovde poseduje najmoćnija rešenja u industriji, a jedan takav je i primer simulacije ventilacije pariske filharmonije u toku post-covid otvaranja..

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Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

PowerFlow simulacije disanja i disperzije patogena

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

PowerFlow simulacije kretanja velikih vazdušnih masa u urbanim sredinama

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

PowerFlow u cilju simulacije buke otpora vazduha u kabini automobila

Simulacije procesa termoformiranja plastike

Ono što posebno odlikuje SIMULIA rešenja jeste da verovatno postoji simulacioni paket za bilo koji scenario i proizvodni proces koji vam može zatrebati. Pri čemu ne govorimo o "načelnim" simulacijama već o kompletnom detaljnom i preciznom testiranju koje uzima u obzir sve relevantne parametre datih procesa - kao što je ovaj primersimulacije termoformiranja plastike.

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Simulacije vibracija i buke

Simulacije vibracija i buke iz svih izvora i scenarija:

  • buka u enterijeru (objekta, vozila) i eksterni izvori buke u smislu konstrukcije, akustike i protoka vibracija / zvučnih talasa

  • šumovi u vozilima svih vrsta (Drivers ear Sound Pressure Level - SPL) koji nastaju usled pulsiranja pristiska na omotač/karoseriju vozila u kretanju, ili vazduha u HVAC/KGH sistemima

  • buka koja dolazi sa bočnih prozora vozila svih vrsta i sa kolovoza/šina, uz različite scenarije udaljenosti od bankina, u tunelima malog preseka (npr kod urbane železnice - metroa)

  • spoljašnja zvučna difrakcija koja potiče od samog vozila (sirene vozova u cevima metroa,  motora automobila, točkova na asfaltu ili šinama)

  • obična kontinuirana strujanja fluida oko vozila u kretanju i kroz KGH/HVAC sisteme

  • zvukovi interne ventilacije u vozilima (sa ventilatora klimatizacije i slično)


Proizvođači šinskih vozila simuliraće svoj proizvod, projektanti šinskih saobraćajnica simuliraće "svoje" mostove, nasipe, nadvožnjake, tunele, ali.. Ko će simulirati interakciju voza sa prugom, metroa u krivinama u tunelu ili na ukrštanju šinskih pravaca? 

Tu uskače SIMULIA SIMPACK RAIL MODUL koji sadrži alate koji se fokusiraju upravo na interakciju šinskih vozila i "njihovih" šina u kompleksnim scenarijama iz stvarnog života gde treba izračunati naginjanje, habanje, promenu geometrije usled dejstva velikih kompleksnih sila.. 

Ukratko - RAIL MODUL važan je začin za kreiranje digitalnog blizanca železničke i druge šinske infrastrukture.

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